
Tagged / meme roth

Health at every size? Are you Lying to Yourself?

I have heard a lot of people who want to feel better about being overweight or obese claim how ‘healthy’ they are despite their size, and I’m sure I’m not alone. You hear it all the time: “You can be overweight and healthy” or some other “fat acceptance” propaganda meant for us to not criticize or make assumptions about the way a person looks as it relates to their health despite the high likelihood that a heavy person is not going to be the model of health.

In fact, there’s even a “health at every size” campaign trying to convince people that those who are severely obese are actually “healthy” and have a good relationship with food!

Now, I am by no means saying that just because you’re skinny or slim that you are healthy! We all know this, we’re focusing on an entirely different matter so let’s dismiss this strawman argument off the bat.

Here’s a clip from the Dr. Drew show with Meme Roth addressing the issue and making some very valid points:

:Sigh: When are people going to stop lying to themselves?

Thank God for people like Meme Roth, and the many readers who send me notes daily reminding me that I’m not in another galaxy, who point out the obvious without mincing words. You’d think people who recognize the truth are in the minority because many of the loudest people on the internet are a part of the obese/overweight crew, and in fact the overwhelming majority of Americans are overweight (over 2 in 3 adult Americans are overweight).

These folks collectively push their DANGEROUS fat acceptance agenda/speech to feel better about the lies they tell themselves.

Yes, fat acceptance is dangerous as explained beautifully by Meme in this quote:

“Yes, my entire family is obese and I have to tell you when you grow up with the people that you love and respect the most and you see the hardship, the damage to their bodies and spirit due to obesity it breaks your heart.

My grandmother just passed away this February and she lay in a bed for four years, not even getting up to go to the bathroom because she got so heavy she had to be put in a home. It’s just beyond tragic and I think calling what gets people to that point beautiful is dangerous and really cruel. I think it comes from a good place wanting people to feel good…”

Just as we discourage anorexia and bulimia, we should discourage the other side of the coin. Our bodies were meant to be lean – not lugging around a bunch of excess weight (as evidenced by the many diseases associated with being fat and obese).

So, the question I want to ask you if you’ve arrived here from the Cosmopolitan article after taking offense that someone could dare be helping women achieve a body size/aesthetic that THEY find attractive is, “Are you lying to yourself?”

Are you are lying to yourself when you claim you love your ‘fat’, ‘overweight’, or ‘curvy’ body, throw up your first for being a BBW, and jump for joy in public over having thick, thunder thighs? Do you secretly pine on the inside to be slim and fit, wish you could get your disordered compulsive eating habits under control, and feel beautiful without a doubt? Then let me help you!

My book is called ‘The Thigh Gap Hack” but it’s not ONLY about getting a thigh gap. If you want a thigh gap, I’m all for it – because it’s your body and you’re entitled to make it look the way you want it to.

I’ll help you get slimmer, feminine legs in a HEALTHY manner, but my book WILL ALSO teach you how to get lean and slim down all over by using unconventional fitness tips that will increase your metabolism, reset your hunger, burn your STORED fat, and keep the weight off forever.