
Tagged / mental illness

Pinterest Infuriates Women Everywhere – Thigh Gap Warning

I’ve gotten a ton of notes today from readers regarding pinterest’s new warning that pops up when you search for ‘thigh gap’ on their website. Here’s a screenshot:

pinterestUGH. Can you say insulting? How about infuriating?

Earth to pinterest – you don’t have to have a mental disorder to have or want a thigh gap or find them attractive. There are millions of women in the world with natural thigh gaps due to their bone structure. There are others who are able to get a thigh gap with narrow hips by using healthy dieting and exercising tactics as displayed in my book. There are millions of men who find thigh gaps attractive and sexy!

When did society come to this? It’s now abnormal to want to have a slender and slim frame! Women who actually care about their bodies and what they put in it get accused of having anorexia or bulimia or being ‘obsessed’ for not wanting to eat pizza/cake with the rest of the overweight/obese population. And why would you when the evidence of what’s to come if you do indulge is staring you right in the face.

We’re told, ‘You can have one cookie – it won’t kill you! You can stand to gain some weight?” Are we supposed to trust the opinions and standards of those who are killing themselves with food and would probably give their left arm to be instantly thin (your size or desired size) or if a genie popped up and granted them one wish would change their bodies?

Yeah, pinterest – sorry, but this is not a good look or move on your part! Sure, there are those who might have eating disorders that want thigh gaps, but there are also those who might have eating disorders that want flat stomachs, slim arms, long hair, designer jeans and a billion other things that get searched for on pinterest daily.

Where are the steroid disclaimers / warnings about drug use and hotline numbers for guys searching for six packs and biceps?

Until you put that disclaimer for every single search term, you are offending a huge portion of your users!


What do you think?  Do you agree with me – if so let pinterest know!