
Tagged / fat vs fit

Are curves in and thigh gaps out?

Some people argue with stars like Beyonce, Kim and Kylie Kardashian, Nicki Minaj, Blac Chyna, and Cardi B; more and moree popular curvy instagram models tagging #curvespiration; and individuals getting butt implants and injections, that thin, trim, skinny, and thigh gaps are out. But I beg to differ.

One could argue that there are stars like Bella and Gigi Hadid, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and almost 90% of other Hollywood starlets; more and more fit instagram models tagging #thinspiration, and the majority of the female population trying to lose weight and slim down proves otherwise.

There have always been some people who prefer to be slender and others who prefer to be slim. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Variety is the spice of life!

Additionally, As I always try to point out you can still have curves, which typically refer to a hourglass shape, and have slim, streamlined legs. It just also means you have an ample bosom, thin waist, and a nice serving of hips/butt.

We all know fads come and go. There was a time when men wore full jean outfits, the word juicy across their backside, and got their belly buttons pierced.

But contrary to what anyone says, I don’t think there will ever come another time when being slim and fit is undesirable. I know way back in the day the wealthy wore their fat as a symbol of pride that means they could afford to eat all the things, but we’ve moved beyond that.

It is in fact healthier to have a lower body fat – studies prove that slender people tend to live longer – and you are able to be a lot more active and do more things when you don’t have extra weight bogging you down.

So don’t let anyone tell you that you have to get with the times and suddenly desire something you don’t. You are certainly not an anomaly because you’d like slender legs and prefer to have a lower BMI. Just keep doing you!