
Tagged / juicy j

New ‘Bikini Bridge Gap’ Cardio Dance Workout – Choreography

bikini-bridge-gap-workoutIt’s your favorite time of the week – the moment when I post a killer cario dance workout for you to sweat and have fun to.

This week, I’ve chosen to do the cardio dance workout choreography to Katy Perry and Juicy J’s song, ‘Dark Horse’ from Katy’s album PRISM.

The song is pretty short (approximately 4 minutes), however you will hate me at the end of this.

I mean, I think I even went a bit overboard. Your heart rate is going to be elevated THE ENTIRE TIME, and your body will have no choice but to burn through the stored body fat from all of those end of the year/new year parties you’ve been attending.

SIDE BAR: I’ve been to 3 birthday parties already for the new year. If you celebrated your birthday, consider this my present to you!

Also, have you been sticking to your new year’s goals so far? Tell me your top three goals for the year in the comments section below and I’ll pick one lucky commenter to give a surprise free gift to.

The entire workout video is after the jump, so click the read more button to watch it

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