
Tagged / grunting

Boycott Planet Fitness! Don’t Pay to be Insulted

Planet Fitness Middletown NY Oct 2009 006I’ve never understood people who knowingly patronize establishments that clearly do not value your business and/or hate you. I’m glad one woman didn’t just fall for the okie doke and quit/got her money back instead of just taking the abuse lying down. If you haven’t heard of Tiffany Austin’s story – watch, (like and share) the interview  below.

The cliff notes version is she stood up against the thin shaming police that is Planet Fitness, after being harassed and insulted for her body being ‘too fit’.


To me, it’s a stockpile! In light of all the recent whiny thigh gap articles about Target and old Navy – something needs to be done. Read on about how you can help send a strong and clear message that we won’t be pushed around by the thin shaming police any longer by signing my petition to boycott Planet Fitness and spreading the word.

By Camille Hugh, Author of “The Thigh Gap Hack” –

No Judgement, huh? It’s quite clear that Planet Fitness’ motto is to judge, ridicule and harrass anyone who cares enough about working out to get their desired end result – a fit, slim or muscle toned body. If you fall into that group, you are not welcome at this establishment. If you start out as being overweight but through the use of their facility manage to slim down, you will no longer be welcome at their establishment. Why are you still giving them your money?



1. Take a look at the advertising Planet Fitness used to launched their company. Their more famous one mocked ‘meatheads’ who ‘pick things up and put them down’. They even have a ‘no grunt’ policy, where if you grunt an alarm will sound so that you can be publicly called out, because god forbid anyone actually works hard and strains enough to show normal signs of fatigue.

2. Then there’s the more recent commercial where Planet Fitness mocks women with slender bodies by portraying them as brainless, self absorbed ditzes in a gym changing room, while an overweight member looks on in what more resembles disgust than intimidation.

3. Finally, in more recent events – there’s former member, Tiffany Austin, who was humiliated with stares from members and by two separate staff workers because her ‘too fit’ body was intimidating members. She was asked to cover up because she wore a midriff and arm baring outfit while working out.

Planet Fitness’ response? They stand by their managers and company policy. ENOUGH SAID!


Every company has the right to decide who their target market is, but if you are someone who hopes to really get in shape this company has made it blatantly clear that you are not their target market. Oh, they’ll take your money, but continue to mock, judge and humiliate you in their advertising, outlandish policies and demeaning behavior (e.g. sounding alarms if you work out too hard!)



Lately, we’ve had the media and specific journalists reaching and grasping at straws to pound into the public’s mind that being slim or thin is wrong. All of a sudden being slim is an ‘unattainable body standard/goal’.

Images of slender people are somehow oppressing overweight individuals and without any specific words portraying a specific message, images of slim/fit women is somehow telling nonfit women they must look like the model to be deemed attractive, or influences them enough to develop an eating disorder.

By refusing to apologize to Ms. Austin and the public at large, Planet Fitness joins the ranks of the thin shaming crew. Actually, they’ve been long time members of this crew.



If you give them your money, you are only fueling the fire for this unhealthy and dangerous message to continue to spread. Let them know you’ll take your business elsewhere, where you are actually valued, appreciated and respected as a customer: that place is NOT Planet Fitness

To bring the point home, how about this for double standard: If an overweight or obese person decided they were Big and beautiful and walked into a gym or establishment wearing revealing clothes and were told they needed to cover their bodies up because it was upsetting others, you know there would be an instant lawsuit!