
Tagged / squat challenge

How Long Does it Take to get a Thigh Gap or Skinny Legs?

I get this question a lot. Time and time again someone will e-mail, Facebook or tweet me asking, “Camille, how long does it take to get a thigh gap?” “When will I see a thigh gap?” or “how long do I have to do your program [in the book] before I’ll see my gap?”

I always answer the very same way – no one really knows…

I understand you want your thigh gap in the fastest time possible, but I would be lying if I said it will take you 30 days, 14 days, or even 2 months, like some shady websites and fitness gurus have been guilty of doing. There’s no way these people could possibly know the exact period of time for the following reasons:

1. Every one is starting from different places.

Some women have more fat to lose, some women have more muscles to lose, some women are already lean and just need to lose some water weight/fluid in the thighs.

[By the way, I’ll be debuting some awesome new products in the very near future to help you release the water weight in your thighs, as well as my official ‘No More Bulky Legs’ thigh gap workout dvd. LIKE this post and leave a comment below if you’d like to get a sneak peak and special offer on both products.]

2. It depends on how well you stick to the program.

I lay out exactly which hacks you can do to get a thigh gap in ‘The Thigh Gap Hack”, and the effectiveness increases the ore strategies you utilize. If you only do hunger training, it might take a little bit longer for you to get a gap, whereas if you do hunger training and the exercise cycling program I recommend (a specific schedule of working out to maximize fat loss) and any of the other hacks, you will undoubtedly get faster results.

The truth is you can find your thigh and legs leaning out in just two weeks if you are already relatively thin and adhere to my diet and exercise regimens. If you have a good bit of weight to lose, I recommend you try not to rush getting lean. It might take 3 months to a year since you’re best bet is to try to lose 1 – 2 pounds a week at most.

Be patient – if you read the book and follow my plan, it will work in due time!

Reader Asks: Will Squats Make My Legs Bigger?

In this week’s mail I got a question from a reader asking me if doing the 100 squat challenge would make her thighs slimmer.

What is the 100 squat challenge? On the first day of the challenge you are expected to do fifty squats, which builds up to 250 squats in 30 days.

Apparently a bunch of people have been promoting the 100 squat challenge, in which you do 100 squats a day. Many are jumping not he bandwagon hoping to get one set of results and sadly disappointed when they get the complete opposite.

Sadly, many women are taking the challenge in hopes of slimming and thinning the inner and outer thighs or to reveal a thigh gap.

I’ll give it to you straight. Squats are an excellent form of exercise for burning calories because it uses one of the biggest muscle groups in your body.

However, squats will lift your buttocks (which is good) AND subsequently firm your legs and build up/increase the width of your quadriceps (not good for those who are relatively lean and wanting to lose inches from the thigh).

Squats, especially weighted squats with a lot of reps like the 100 squat challenge, won’t necessarily make your legs ‘bigger’ but it will make them look more muscular and masculine as opposed to skinny and feminine. Your quads will probably look more dominant and harder than you want them to. Also, doing so many squats will cause the muscles in your legs to retain water giving it a swollen look that most women do not find appealing.

Look at the picture to the left. If you’re going for the before look, then clearly squats are not for you!