
Tagged / asian women don’t get fat

Fat Loss Hacks: What Asian Women Drink to Stay Thin

Have you ever wondered how so many Asian women manage to stay slim and thin? Wonder no more, because the secret’s out – oolong tea. Oolong tea is a metabolism boosting tea (boosts metabolism by up to 20% when consumed on a daily basis) that Asian women are known to drink in large quantities in order to manage their weight.


It works by increasing the expenditure of energy and promoting the oxidation of body fat stores and has been shown to be more effective than green tea in promoting weight loss in the limited number of studies that have been performed

Other factors for the effectiveness of tea is that it has zero calories and will fill you up and therefore suppressing your appetite or preventing you from consuming other higher calories foods. Making an effort to drink tea may keep one hydrated and less likely to confuse hunger with thirst. Of course, lowered calorie consumption will lead to weight loss.

Additionally, the caffeine in the tea, which can suppress your appetite to a small degree, is also a diuretic,  can help you shed water weight (as diuretics increase the volume of urinary excretion)

From Yahoo –

Oolong originates from the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis, as the green and black teas. The difference in its properties lies in the degree of oxidation it undergoes during processing. While green tea leaves are not allowed to oxidize before processing, black teas undergo a period of oxidation after the leaves are picked, sometimes known as fermentation. Oolong tea is allowed to oxidize, but for a shorter period of time than black tea. Thus, oolong tea retains many of the antioxidants are other healthy chemicals that may be lost from black tea due to the prolonged oxidative process. Oolong tea appears to have larger quantities of healthy polyphenols than does green tea which may account for the benefits of oolong tea for weight loss.

Move over green tea, oolong’s got the leg up!


Drink your tea without anything added to it. No sugar, milk, cream, etc. Your taste buds will eventually adapt.

About two cups per day is recommended. Steep oolong tea anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes, for a more full-bodied cup.

In addition, hot beverages decrease the absorption of fat in the intestine after a meal. You should take special care about your intestine as it effects your health greatly. Unfortunately, some medical conditions can lead to surgery. The healing period after surgery usually requires the usage of protective stoma colostomy belts. So, just remember that your health is the most important thing and you should have balanced nutrition even when on diet.