Workout for free on Black Friday at Crunch Gym
I hope you all had a happy, healthy and peaceful thanksgiving!
Today is black Friday, which is all about deals, deals, and more deals. But before you head out to the mall to splurge on your favorite activewear brand, you do know that leisurely shopping or standing is line is not actually cardio right?
Why not get a real workout in (FOR FREE at that)?
Crunch Gyms around the country are going to be open and free to use for anyone who wanders in looking to lift some weights or throw around some medicine balls TODAY (black friday).
Here is a list of all the crunch locations throughout America
Stop eyeing those leftovers (or put down the turkey leg), locate a crunch gym near you, grab a friend or your partner in thanksgiving overindulgence crime, and go work off those calories before they get a chance to set up shop on your thighs!