
Demi Lovato Joins in on the Thin Shaming w/ Thigh Gap Hate

thin shaming courtesy of demi lovato

thin shaming courtesy of demi lovato

After famously struggling and supposedly beating an eating disorder, Demi Lovato has jumped on the thin shaming bandwagon by posting an instagram picture of herself to all her fans with the classy caption “Ph_kkk yo thigh gap”.


That’s right – in an absurd move to push back against fat body shaming (who are all these people shaming and demanding that Demi Lovato get a thigh gap?), she has resorted to being a total hypocrite, and kind of a tool, by turning right around and shaming women with thigh gaps (including many of her very own fans i’m sure).

I just thought I’d point out that her logic is flawed because although it’s clear she meant to degrade skinny women with her comment, overweight and average sized women and men can have thigh gaps if they have wider hips.

Additionally, there are those who are able to obtain a thigh gap through healthy diet and exercise (e.g. a fitness model who eats whole unprocessed foods and exercises regularly is able to maintain a low body fat (get very lean) and thus might have a thigh gap with narrower hips, as I explain in my best selling book, “The Thigh Gap Hack”)

There is a way to uplift and be happy in your own body without tearing others down, Demi. And I have to think if you need to call people out for their thigh gaps in order to make yourself feel better you are not as secure and confident as you claim to be.

Final note – have you ever noticed how people who claim to hate or not care thigh gaps just can’t stop talking about it? It’s funny because the things I don’t care about rarely ever cross my mind.

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