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How to Swim For Exercise without getting Broad Shoulders

If you know me, then you know I’m all about feminine proportions. That means not having one are of the body much bigger than others (unless it’s butt and boobs) or having a physique that look masculine.

By masculine I mean broad shoulders, large muscular thighs, back, and calves, and thick necks. These are all very masculine; if you don’t believe me stop a random man on the street, ask him to describe his ideal body, and you’ll hear all of the above.

So when my partner surprised me with 3 months worth of swimming lessons – I know swimming basics but cannot tread water and don’t feel comfortable in the deep end – I was conflicted.

Swimming is an excellent way to burn calories. It’s great for cardio and resistance training, low impact, fun, and is a head to toe activity (works a lot of different parts of the body at one time), so I was looking forward to having two days a week in which to switch up my workout routine. Variety is not only the spice of life, but a surefire way to stick to your fitness plans. Choose a good swimming pool with Intex pools pumps and filters.

However, I am well aware of the physique of female swimmers: see my definition of masculine above. They are typically shaped like inverted triangles (chiseled shoulders that taper down to the hips), which is great if that’s the look you’re going for – many are not. Additionally, once you get broad shoulders it’s hard to get rid of.

Being the life hacker I am, I decided to do some research to see if there are any strokes or ways to train that would put less emphasis on the developing the shoulders and biceps. Some people say it can’t be done but I know if there’s a will, there’s a way. Here’s how to add swimming to your workout regimen without getting broad shoulders:

  1. Stick to swimming styles that don’t require much use of your upper body – fin style, eel style, back stroke, and  are in. Butterfly, front crawl, breast stroke and freestyle are out.
  2. Use a kick board and just work on different kicking styles across the water.
  3. If you do use strokes that require use of your shoulder, slow down. The harder and faster you swim, the more burn you’ll get. Burn = build.
  4. Limit swimming to 30 – 40 mins, once or twice a week. If you train like a competitive swimmer, don’t expect not to look like one. Be aware that the more advanced you get at swimming the more efficient you become and the less calories you burn doing the same workout.

Before anyone gets offended that everyone doesn’t want huge shoulders, note that I acknowledge hopping in the water once or twice won’t make your shoulders and back blow up. However, any training that you do will alter your shape. Even a little growth in these areas might not be desirable to some, and that’s okay!

Follow the above tips and you’ll be able to get the best of both worlds – a new way to work out and burn calories, and a physique that makes you happy.

It’s HERE – Bye Bye Thunder Thighs (The Diet for Pear Shapes)

finalcoverI’ve been a busy bee completing my latest 300 page book, “Bye Bye Thunder Thighs – The Weight Loss Diet Plan for Pear Shapes” (BUY HERE), but I’m proud to announce the wait is over!

In my first book, The Thigh Gap Hack – The Shortcut to Slimmer, Feminine Thighs Every Woman Secretly Desires, I focused on unconventional stubborn fat loss tactics, which most people had never heard of before, that work extremely well for women who want to know how to get a thigh gap.

I lightly touched on diet and exercise (otherwise the book would have been 500 pages long), but still got tons of requests from readers asking for more in depth diet information – like recipe requests, how many calories they should eat, how many grams of carbs, fats and proteins and when they should eat them to see the best fat loss results.

Of course, I would reply to these individuals – but each time was very time consuming. Naturally, I figured if some people were still not 100% clear on what to do it was time to go back to the drawing board and do some clarifying. So, I took all of the most frequently asked questions I received from The Thigh Gap Hack and poured everything I could into my latest work – making sure I left no stone uncovered.

Just some of the amazing topics BYE BYE THUNDER THIGHS covers are –

  • How and Why it’s possible for pear-shaped women to completely reshape their bodies through strategic dieting and exercise
  • Specific thigh slimming foods that increase your metabolism, are anti-inflammatory and reduce water retention
  • Exact recommended calories and macros for losing stubborn fat or overdeveloped bulky muscles
  • How to build and prepare your meals so that you eat less
  • My three pronged exercise approach for contouring beautiful, slender thighs without muscle hypertrophy (growth)
  • What foods you should NEVER eat and how it affects your physique
  • PLUS 30 of my favorite, easy low calorie recipes broken down into breakfast, lunch and dinner

IF YOU ARE A PEAR SHAPED WOMAN who wants to reshape your body once and for all, this is the book for you! Click the buy now button below to place your order and start reading.

Buy Now


SPECIAL SPECIAL OFFER: If you still haven’t read The Thigh Gap Hack yet, contact me here to receive a special PACKAGE deal for both digital books.