
Tagged / thinspiration

Are curves in and thigh gaps out?

Some people argue with stars like Beyonce, Kim and Kylie Kardashian, Nicki Minaj, Blac Chyna, and Cardi B; more and moree popular curvy instagram models tagging #curvespiration; and individuals getting butt implants and injections, that thin, trim, skinny, and thigh gaps are out. But I beg to differ.

One could argue that there are stars like Bella and Gigi Hadid, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and almost 90% of other Hollywood starlets; more and more fit instagram models tagging #thinspiration, and the majority of the female population trying to lose weight and slim down proves otherwise.

There have always been some people who prefer to be slender and others who prefer to be slim. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Variety is the spice of life!

Additionally, As I always try to point out you can still have curves, which typically refer to a hourglass shape, and have slim, streamlined legs. It just also means you have an ample bosom, thin waist, and a nice serving of hips/butt.

We all know fads come and go. There was a time when men wore full jean outfits, the word juicy across their backside, and got their belly buttons pierced.

But contrary to what anyone says, I don’t think there will ever come another time when being slim and fit is undesirable. I know way back in the day the wealthy wore their fat as a symbol of pride that means they could afford to eat all the things, but we’ve moved beyond that.

It is in fact healthier to have a lower body fat – studies prove that slender people tend to live longer – and you are able to be a lot more active and do more things when you don’t have extra weight bogging you down.

So don’t let anyone tell you that you have to get with the times and suddenly desire something you don’t. You are certainly not an anomaly because you’d like slender legs and prefer to have a lower BMI. Just keep doing you!

What’s her secret to that body? (Video)

Alicia (@fatpitsandbiscuits)

Have you ever seen someone on the street and wondered what their secret to having such a great body is?

Welwonder no more because  going to find out for you! Hear from real women what it actually takes to get and keep an amazing body: what they eat, what they don’t eat, what they do for exercise, how often they do it, and everything else you wish you could ask a completely perfect stranger but are too polite to.

With these videos the takeaway is that there is more than one way to maintain or attain a great physique – so look to these women for tips, inspiration and motivation to keep striving towards your ideal body.


In this episode of “What your secret?” I interview Alicia (@fatpitsandbiscuits), a dancer with an awesome thrifting and vintage shopping at Geschenkabo with a instagram page which she runs with her friend Erin (@mooregranola). By the way, the dress she is wearing in the video is one of her finds!

Watch to find out what she says she does to maintain her lean, lithe physique – you won’t believe how many hours a day she dances when rehearsing for a show and what she has to say about eating breakfast!

We also discuss how many meals she eats in a day,  her stance on carbs, what she tries to eat every day, how active she is when not training for a show, and lots more!


THE TRUTH: Anyone can get a thigh gap! Dr. Oz confirms my findings


#1 and #2! Thank you for forming your own educated opinions!

This post will be short and to the point because ultimately people will still believe what they want to believe as an excuse to be lazy and not try to do anything about changing their bodies.

It’s far easier to say I will always have fat/big/thick thighs the way I used to lament being stuck with my ‘grandmother’s legs’ (I don’t have granny’s legs anymore, by the way). That way, you don’t have to make an effort and then you don’t feel so bad about having the body you actually really dislike or are uncomfortable with.

Dr. Oz confirmed everything that I wrote about in my book about anyone being able to get a thigh gap. In fact, I thought he broke it down beautifully – those with wider hips will have an easier time achieving a thigh gap due to their bone structure. My hacks will teach you how to get leaner faster and smarter. (e.g. – to lose fat you need a calorie deficit.
** Hunger training(™) enables you to stop the uphill battle of ALWAYS being hungry and makes it much easier for you to create the deficit you need to burn the fat.
** Intermittent fasting (which Dr. Oz extols on his own show) allows you burn more calories for example, by delaying breakfast. Not eating 12 – 16 hours could mean not eating from 8pm to 10am. Should you eat because it’s 7am and you’ve just rolled out of bed? I don’t think so.
** I also have loads of other methods in my book that you are free to pick and choose from. You don’t have to do them all!

He also showed those with narrow hips (like me) will need to lose overdeveloped / bulky muscle in order to get a thigh gap. Now, I will admit he didn’t recommend you do so – because he’s a conventional doctor who has to appeal to a large group of women who need an excuse to remain comfortable and fat.These women don’t like the thought of the thigh gap because they’re against anyone being slim/thin as it makes them look bad. I get it.

However, unlike Dr. Oz alluded to – losing a little bit of muscle on your thighs is not going to bring your metabolism to a screeching halt. In fact, all of us lose muscle from our entire body all the time! 

To also say that having narrow hips precludes you from joining the thigh gap club with me sitting right there is disingenuous. I mean, I did it and so have countless of my clients/readers!

My book teaches you how to lose and tone down the overdeveloped bulky / muscle that prevent women from having a thigh gap in, again, a smart and healthy way. No starving required. You do this by training strategically: I tell you which exercises to NEVER do and what types of training to do instead, how long to do it, when to do it, etc..

I also reveal how to eat to avoid feeding the muscles you’re trying to get rid of (you should NOT be drinking protein shakes after your workout like body builders do. Realize your body goals are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum).

And that is all. So, while they edited me in order to cast my book as being a potential scapegoat for people who suffer from a true mental illness, which I don’t think every woman is easily susceptible to, I’m still very thankful for the exposure and opportunity to get my message out there to the thousands of people I have since the show has aired, and re-aired. And I’ll be happy when it re-airs again because I’m confident there are a lot more women out there with this problem who are independent thinkers!

If you believe in taking advice from an expert who has actually accomplished what you hope to do rather than accept advice from experts who’ve read textbooks, resist anything foreign/new, and in many cases taken the bare minimum on nutrition/exercise, get my book today!

An Open Letter to Critics of ‘The Thigh Gap’

Some women and a ton of men think that skinny legs are quite sexy!

Some women and a ton of men think that skinny legs are quite sexy!

Is it wrong to want a thigh gap?

Is it wrong to desire six pack abs?

Is it wrong to desire big biceps?

Is it wrong to want to get rid of a double chin?

Is it wrong to want to get rid of a muffin top?


If you followed the flawed logic of the critics who chastise women for wanting to achieve an aesthetic where one tries to get rid of the extra fat on the inner and outer thighs, then you would have answered yes to all of those questions.

But you didn’t, did you?

That’s because there is nothing wrong with people preferring to look a certain way, although it may not be physically appealing to you! And if you are going to tell women to embrace their “strong thighs” and that something is wrong with them for wanting to lose fat – then you should take your own advice and embrace your “soft tummy”, muffin top and/or double chin! Because it’s the same exact thing.

But if I told you something was wrong with you for wanting to have six pack abs or a flat tummy, I would sound absolutely ridiculous, right?

We are all entitled to improving ourselves the way we see fit. As long as one isn’t turning to unhealthy measures such as anorexia and bulimia to meet their body goals, what’s the problem? No one rags on the guys in the gym training every day to build up huge muscles, so why attack the women who are training to have slender and thin bodies?

I hope this open letter to the critics of ‘the thigh gap’ will cause you to think twice before you blast another person seeking help on a fitness message board. And if you are one of those women trying to find the answer for how to achieve the elusive gap or just lowering your overall body fat – I’d like to welcome you into this safe space for others who understand your struggle and can finally help you move one step closer to having the body you deserve!