Have you ever seen someone on the street who looked amazing (body goals in the flesh) and wondered what it takes to look like that, but of course couldn’t go up to a perfect stranger and start digging into their personal life. Who hasn’t, right?
In this series, Camille Hugh, best selling author and fitness blogger, asks random New Yorker’s to go in depth and reveal exactly what they do, eat, and their philosophy to have their enviable figures – and they answer. From their weight, height, how often they eat out, and whether they count calories, no question is off limits.
There’s more than one way to look amazing; get ready for the T from real people on getting and staying slim and fit.
Camille: Hi everyone, I’m camille and today i’m doing another one of our series of what’s your secret. Today I’m in Prospect Park in brooklyn and I found someone hanging out on the grass. What’s your name?
I hope you all had a happy, healthy and peaceful thanksgiving!
Today is black Friday, which is all about deals, deals, and more deals. But before you head out to the mall to splurge on your favorite activewear brand, you do know that leisurely shopping or standing is line is not actually cardio right?
Why not get a real workout in (FOR FREE at that)?
Crunch Gyms around the country are going to be open and free to use for anyone who wanders in looking to lift some weights or throw around some medicine balls TODAY (black friday).
Stop eyeing those leftovers (or put down the turkey leg), locate a crunch gym near you, grab a friend or your partner in thanksgiving overindulgence crime, and go work off those calories before they get a chance to set up shop on your thighs!
So you have a bike and love riding it, but don’t love what it’s doing to your legs and thighs as much or the way your jeans aren’t fitting anymore?!
You are not alone or imagining it. Yes, bike riding can make your butt and thighs / legs and quads bigger – whether it be a result of temporary swelling, increased hunger (which leads to overeating and fat / weight gain), and if you ride your bike for exercise or for long periods of time, a higher likelihood of overdeveloped muscles.
Just take a look at many of the women who attend spinning classes (soul cycle or fly wheel), or amateur and professional road cyclists! Although they may not be obese, chances are their legs are a lot more muscular, developed or toned than you want yours to be (that is if you are reading this post… if not, ride on!).
Sure, a lot of these people work out and train their legs separately with heavy weights, but a good deal of them have built up their muscular quads solely from spinning without ever stepping foot in a gym!
So, you have every reason to be wary!
But that doesn’t mean you have to lock up your wheels and throw away the key. Believe it or not, it is totally possible to ride your bike without getting big, bulky thighs and quads – and today you’re in luck because I am going to give you the answers you have been searching all over the internet for.
If you want to know how to ride your bike without getting big, bulky legs and thighs / quads, there I reveal ten tips that you should follow when cycling in my video below).
If you follow my tips you can totally enjoy the freedom and joy of riding your bike without having to worry about it negatively affecting your physique (thigh width) and forcing you to buy a bigger pant size.
I specialize in helping women achieve lean, slim, svelte physiques that they find feminine and I’m happy to share how YOU can still maintain your body or body goals while experiencing one of the cheapest forms of transportation and greatest source of child like fun there is!
For more tips and strategies on how to slim down your legs, quads and thighs, check out my best selling books “The Thigh Gap Hack” or “Bye Bye Thunder Thighs” today!
The latest fat burning cardio dance workout with yours truly is up. This weeks choreographed workout routine is to David Guetta and Akon’s ‘Sexy Bitch’ or ‘Sexy Chick’… and it’s a little different because it’s a dub step version of the song.
The objective with these videos is to make cardio fun. When the music is pumping and it’s fun the time flies, you’re more likely to get your cardio in more frequently, and that means you’ll burn calorie/fat and see the results you seek.
Now, since I choreograph each workout to a specific pop song, they tend to be around 4 to 7 minutes long. Obvious-town, that’s not going to cut it when it comes to burning fat. You need at least 30 minutes of sustained physical activity that gets your heart rate up.
This means you’ll need to do this specific routine a few times over or combine a few of my videos together. I’ll take care of getting your heart rate up with every single one! Make sure you leave a comment on the youtube page or right here letting me know what you think of the workout and how many times you were able to do it through.
Leave song requests as well! NOW LET’S GET TO WORK!